About us

So we are Thrive Accountants Academy.
Thrive accountants academy logo.
My story


I’m Ian Morgan and this is my way of paying back to the industry I love so much. Yep, I said it and I do. Now that doesn’t mean it doesn’t frustrate me, it does no end, my this is my opportunity to do something about those frustrations.

A man in a gray suit posing for a photo.
Here is my story…

I joined my wife’s bookkeeping and payroll practice back in 2010. The idea was to take
my knowledge from working in practice and to change the accounting industry and our the life of our family. Actually, what fuelled me significantly was that when our daughter was born 5 weeks early and went to special care in 2008, I felt pressured to return to work as soon as possible. 

I never wanted to feel like that again.
A man and woman standing next to each other holding an award.

I went on a mission; we gained loads of new clients (in fact over 100 in our first year) and it looked to lots of other people like success. We even made it look like that with relatively new cars with private plates and sharing publicly the success of more and more clients joining us. The truth however was that there were consistent challenges at work, I was always chasing my tail with client queries and calls, I worked almost non-stop, evenings,
late nights, weekends probably around 70 or 80 hours a week. The team were constantly on at me to stop working at crazy times and so was my wife. I couldn’t see a way out. We decided to take a 3-week holiday and when we returned a staff member had quit without
notice leaving things even worse than before.


Something had to change.

I reached out to a local business coach I had been watching from afar for some time and we set about having a strategy, a plan with clear goals and actionable steps to achieve them. I started to read business books and even moved on to another business coach too. I learned about culture, hiring, having a strategy, accountability, delegation, mindset and so much more.

In 2015 we managed to move out of our rented property and buy a basic 5 bed 3 story town house based on some of the new success we were having. Things kept moving from better to better and we kept learning and growing and by 2018 we managed to purchase our forever home. 5 bedrooms detached in the countryside. Since then we have even built a swimming pool, a 2-story extension and a Games/cinema room. 


It’s the kind of stuff I only dreamed of.

Our values are key to our success. They are for me and my family, our  team and our clients:

Our core values
Do what you say
• Be open and honest
• Take responsibility
• Be a team player
• Show Respect

A group of business people looking at graphs on a table.

Do what you say

Be open and honest

Take responsibility

Be a team player

Show respect

Nobody likes being let down and we think it’s key you don’t set unrealistic expectations. Seek to understand the importance of the task and any deadlines and agree realistic
timescales and stick to them or communicate early regarding challenges.

Being a closed book doesn’t help anyone. We don’t believe work and home are two different lives. Life is just life. By being open and honest about your whole life we can be empathetic to your circumstances and together we can work towards growth and positivity

Work-life balance is key and fundamental we believe to living a healthy life. We have core hours but each role also has key outcomes and responsibilities. There will be occasions where flexibility may be needed in order to achieve those outcomes and responsibilities and taking responsibility to act accordingly is key.

As a team we support and empower each other. There will be occasions where you will need to go outside of the standard scope of your role to help out a colleague. This shouldn’t be because we expect it but because you think it’s the right thing to do.

Respect is everything. It should be a given. It should not come just because of somebodies position but simply because we are all human beings. Being able to be candid with someone about their weaknesses and mistakes when done with love is an absolute sign of respect.

Our goal is to change the lives of accountants like you so you go from surviving to thriving.

We have two levels of membership.

Practice Booster Programme
If you or your practice just need that bit of a boost to steer you in the right direction then the Practice Booster Programme is for you.

You can find out more on what is involved by clicking below

Elite Practice Programme
If you are ready to really make the leap from surviving to thriving then the Elite Practice Programme is for you.

You can find out more about what is involved by clicking below